Do Blinds Void a Conservatory’s Guarantee?

Specialist Blinds

May 30, 2016


3 mins read
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Many customers wonder if blinds void a conservatory’s guarantee.

The quick answer is no; in the vast majority of situations, it’s possible to fit blinds to a conservatory and still have its guarantee intact. However, that doesn’t mean that every method of fitting blinds will be safe; and it’s something you need to watch out for when getting a quotation from different companies.

While most blinds are no problem; there are a few situations where we have to make some allowances as to how we make them. This is so it conforms specifications of the conservatory manufacturer.

Choosing The Right Blinds Company

For example, some conservatory manufacturers specify that we only use an individual blind layout with a small air gap either side of the blind so that heat doesn’t build up between the blind and the glass and potentially cause damage. This is not a problem for us, as we usually recommend an individual layout anyway, but some companies will always quote for a doubled-up blind layout as it usually works out cheaper – even if it would void the guarantee of the conservatory.

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Contact The Builder of Your Conservatory

This is something that happened to a recent customer of ours; where they had got quotes from other companies that would have voided the guarantee of the conservatory. Here, the customer contacted the conservatory company directly. They then clarified what blinds they could have and went with us. This is because we had quoted for the recommended layout of blinds. We recommend to all customers that worry about the problems that come with blinds and conservatory’s guarantee blinds to contact the conservatory company and see what they recommend. Then, when they have quotations for blinds; make sure the blinds actually conforms with the guidelines and isn’t just the cheapest option.

Purpose-Designed Conservatory Blinds

Another point to consider is that there are hundreds of thousands of conservatories already with blinds;  in many cases, the conservatory builders themselves recommend specific blind companies to buy from. (In most cases they earn a sales commission.)

As a final reassurance, specific types of conservatory blinds (not just any old blinds, but conservatory blinds) that are purpose-designed for the job in hand. This would not be possible if blinds could not be fitted in conservatories.

Do Blinds Void a Conservatory's Guarantee?

Do blinds void a conservatory’s guarantee? Any conservatory can have blinds installed without affecting the guarantee (otherwise it would not be fit for purpose under the Consumer Regulations 2015.) But it does depend on whether the blinds are suitable for the use you have intended; or if the fabric is not going to adversely affect the glazing and that the blinds are installed correctly; avoiding any damage to the integrity of the structure.

Specialist Blinds

May 30, 2016


3 mins read
With over 25 years experience in creating bespoke blinds, the team of experts at Specialist Blinds have a wide range of knowledge on all types of blinds. From design, manufacture and fitting, we can provide expert advice not available elsewhere.

